Hi, I'm Rhett Bilski -I'm a second year Human Capital Management Leadership Student at Miami University đź“•I also am Chris Tomshack's YouTube business development rep.If you'd like to contact me, please send me an email and I will respond to you as soon as possible!
I don't have social media, but here is a list of interesting finds!
I've done some interesting things through the first five weeks of ESP 103! Check them out here!
I also have a big choose your own adventure story outlining the first five weeks right here!!!
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MicroAcquire - A great resource to develop or purchase novel business ideas
FlutterFlow - This no-code app builder is tremendously useful for quickly prototyping apps
Kendrick Lamar - Poetry and wisdom combined into beautiful music
Jeopardy Trainer - A simple html packed (download git) to train factoid knowledge for Academic Challenge
LeonardoAI - A Midjourney Clone that is still free. I used this during my summer job to create wallpapers, then again on the mindset project!
My family - I would be nothing without these guys ❤️
Just a few things i've found interesting over the years - Rhett

Rhett Bilski
"Rhett is a college student of unparalleled dedication and ambition, currently pursuing a major in Human Capital Management Leadership and a minor in Computer Science. His involvement in a plethora of campus clubs and organizations speaks to his commitment to personal and academic growth. Fluency in Spanish adds to his already impressive skill set and broadens the scope of his potential future endeavors.When not engaged in his studies, Rhett can be found indulging his passion for physical fitness and sports, particularly as an avid fan of Cleveland's athletic teams. When Rhett isn't involved in his athletic passions, he can be found in the kitchen, cooking meals for himself and his family.Rhett's dedication to bettering his community does not stop at the boundaries of the school grounds - he is a constant presence in local volunteer work and charitable efforts. Without a doubt, Rhett's drive to succeed and desire to make a difference make him a valuable asset to any team or project."Resume:
- Business Development Representative for Chris Tomshack (Current)CLUBS:
- Cinci Smiles
- Java
- Excel
- Resilience
- Patience
- Problem Solving
Let's enjoy the first week of class again!
Week two was also interesting. It had me asking a TON of questions!
Week Three was a huge confidence boost. It confirmed that I had it!
Week four taught me that my mindset was 💯🔥💪‼️
Week 5 made this class extra tough! I spent a long time on this assignment. Something like 9 hours and counting!

Image of "me" Generated by Leonardo.AI
I come into this class excited to be able to think creatively!
Welcome to ESP 103: A Choose Your Adventure Story!!!

You come into this class because you know you need to take it in order to graduate.
I am interested in this class!!!!Here are some of the class' pillars:The confidence blueprintHow I am resilientHow I use curiosity in a productive wayHow I can be creative

Do I make time to do the assignment?
The First Problem Comes up...I have to do Goosechase, but I don't have any time to do it!
Do I take the 0?
I take a 0 on this assignment.
It's totally fine, I'll be able
to make up the points on more
important assignments later on.
Let's take the L on this one, right?TIME PASSESI realize I need someone to sign on
for an important project. As it turns out,
the person I need to sign off is
Professor Johnson. Shouldn't be a big deal,
I took his class so he'll remember my name.
I go to his office and ask for his signature.
What does he do?He gives me the 0/10 I took on a discussion
and says, "Why would I sign off on this project
if I know you don't have what it takes
to do an assignment that takes 20 minutes?"Of course, I try to reason that it was
an isolated incident. He shoots it down
because if you did it in ESP 103, you
did it in other classes too...Not getting the signature means
I can't graduate on time,
something I didn't know when
I went to his office,
nor did he.All of this, just because I spent 20 minutes
playing video games or watching tv 2 years ago
instead of just doing the work.
I scare myself just by doing this thought experiment
and decide that
"I'm going to make time"
I am going to get the Goosechase done!I did silly things for this grade.
I even got married!
I realize that even though this class might
not be that hard, it requires a ton of effort.
It's way different than my normal classes.The classes I'm used to are very challenging.
I usually need a certain skillset just to get
in the door, whether it's a
prerequisite or just a
natural skill.
This class is an even playing field. Everyone
can think creatively, but not everyone
can put in the effort to think
creatively enough to receive the A they want.
Not having time becomes obvious
when you turn in your assignments
in this class. That being said...

Do I make it up?
I turn in the assignment but only receive partial credit.

Do I take the grade?
We've made it to the end of my story of this class, so far.How can I know if I make it up
or if I will end with the same grade
I have right now(a B-)?
I can tell you that the assignments
I put the most effort in to,
I got the highest grade on.
I believe in this assignment the most
out of any of the assignments I've done.
It's unique and (a) novel,
as well as being useful in telling
the story of me in this class
throughout the first five weeks.
I would like to think
that making it up starts with this project.What I know for sure is putting forth
100% effort for 90% of an
assignment is not enough.
I need to move the needle with the last 10%.
I leave you with the antiquated A2 confessional
and the understanding that
this class is not over. We
still have 9 weeks before
ESP 103 JB is over!!!
Let's enjoy them while
they're still here!

Do you lock in?
You are taking ESP103 because you need it for your degree. You think the idea of having creativity as a class is ridiculous, "I can think creatively," you say to yourself.You go to class for the first time, introducing yourself with your name over top of a board of pictures of you and your friends. You say to yourself, "I am creative! Look at this masterpiece."The next thing you know, you have a 4 out of 10 on your creative introduction assignment. You find yourself at a crossroads...
Do you check out?
This experience humbles you like no other.
Your ego is shattered, and you realize this
class is not as easy as you thought
it would be.
You don't lose to classes though!
You never have,
the creativity class isn't gonna be the one
that gets you!Your assignments start to roll in,
and you see your perfectly crafted video
receive an 8/10.
The person responsible for this wonderful website deserves to go first. This is my brother Maclin!- He is an artist.
- He creates websites.
- He is a professional photographer.
- He is a former member of the IMPAULSIVE Podcast
- He is my older brother and I love him!

Up next is my second mom, my sister!
-She works as a salesperson at Kemosabe in Vail, CO.-She is the kindest person I've ever met.-She has the strongest moral compass of anyone I know.-She is the funniest person I know.-She is the youngest 30 year old ever.-She has a dog who I love and miss
dearly(just like her)

-My mom is an amazing, powerful woman.
-We spent all of quarantine together, which made our bond stronger than any other mother-son bond I know of!
-She is impossible to push around.
-She has a phenomenal sense of humor.
-She gets results.
-She runs a house-flipping business.
-She used to own an aid service company for private schools, called Private School Aid Service!
-Whenever I need life advice, I go to her, because her life has been very successful. I want to repeat her success to the nth degree!
-I love my mom!

-My dad epitomizes mental strength and resilience.
-He is a dentist/orthopedic surgeon.
-If he were my age, he would be the exact same person as me.
-He is passionate about what he loves, and is not afraid of his emotions.
- I look a lot like him, so I owe my looks to him.
-I love my dad!

Do you bring it up with your professor?
This disappoints you. You really tried your hardest and did not receive the grade you felt you deserve.

Do you try harder on the next assignment?
You talk to your professor about what you
did wrong that led to the 8/10.
He tells you exactly what he did like and
what he didn't like.
You craft your next assignment towards his
guidance and get yourself a 10/10!
This keeps going. And going. And going.
Until you end up with an
A+ through five weeks!
Can you keep it up though? Click on this
to find out!

You decide the effort you put in to your
assignment was not enough.
You spend two more hours on your
assignment than you did on the last one.
It's the most creative thing you've ever made,
at least to you. You receive a 6/10 on it.The "perfect" assignmentWell, no one will say you didn't try.You check out.

You realize your introduction wasn't creative enough.
You are the most creative person you know though.
That means the class is wrong,
and isn't worth your time.You decide to cap the amount of time spent on homework,
so you can do the real "important" things
in your life, like drinking and partying.
You see a 5/10 here, and a 3/15 there,
and the next thing you know,
you're failing ESP 103 4 weeks into the class.
Now, the class you thought is easy
ends up being your weed out class.
"This can't happen," you think to yourself.
"It's time to lock in"!

Do you talk to your professor?
Locking in didn't work out either. You realize you may have just wasted a semester. Luckily, the W deadline hasn't passed yet. You have a choice now.

Do you take the (W)?
You tell your professor your options and ask him for his advice.
He tells you that you messed up originally,
and credits you for taking responsibility,
even though it's pretty late.
He realizes that you are still
willing to work for your degree,
and because you took responsibility for your actions,
he decides to bump your grade to a 65.
Something you can work with,
pass with, and continue your career as planned with!
Can you keep it up?

You don't take any more classes.
You withdraw from the FYIC. Because the classes total 8 credit hours, you end up as a part-time student. With that status, you...
Force yourself to take sprint classes during the fall semester.
You decide that if you can't lock in for a
2 credit hour class,
taking math in three weeks will be even worse.
As a part-time student,
you get kicked out of your dorm room.
You lose your connection with your dorm mates
and are forced to spend money on an
off-campus apartment/house,
with the last pickings,
and have to pay more just to go to the school
you chose because of the price.
This increase in price causes
you to have to pick up a second job,
which causes you not to have enough
time to do homework.
You see your grades drop and
you find out that college "isn't fair."
You drop out by the next semester.
"And then I couldn’t find the time of day to do it.
If anything, this assignment made me feel old:(" - A quote from my Goosechase Reflection
You don't even get to realize this.

You need the scholarship that they only offer
full-time Miami students.
You decide you are going to take
two sprint classes to make up for
the 8 credit hours you lost.
"It's fine, it will be the same amount of work,
it's the same amount of credit hours." you think.
It isn't. You work 50 hours a week on your schooling,
coming to the conclusion that taking the (W)
on the transcript means so much more
than delaying your degree. The amount
of work you do burns you out like nothing else.
You're counting the days like you're
in prison.
You know you cant get out of college because
you need your degree.
You get to winter break, finally,
and realize, once again, you need to take ESP 103.
And we begin the cycle again.

This class, for me, started when I was born. I've always been a creative thinker. I credit all of my rap bars to my creative thought. Here's an example!(I'm the first verse)
We started the class with a discussion post about creativity's definition. I decided that anyone can be creative. Check out the response here!
A2 seems to be a lie now. So I will reflect again here.I have edited this website for the past 5 weeks the same way every single time. Add my google doc to the page, then carry on with my day. I felt I didn't have enough time to do more than the bare minimum, because the bare minimum was kind of accepted. I have time today!This website looks ten times better than before. I'm super proud of it!
Week Two came along. With it came a discussion post and an assignment. I used images in my A4 assignment in hopes that they would be creative enough. What I didn't see was that the images were all formatted incorrectly(some on the wrong page and some in the wrong spot).
My line of questioning was very interesting though. It asked what the value of a human life is? Anyways, here the assignment is!

Week Three brought my ego into this class. You could tell by the way this discussion post went. I mean, come on, "I need to be less creatively confident." Shut up, me. Get over yourself.
Anyways, I created some fantastic videos for the confidence in action assignment! They model this guy's TikToks/YouTube shorts. I was so proud of them, and I think that people liked them. I sent them to friends and family, they all thought it was funny enough, at least. Here they are.You could imagine the shock on my face when I saw I got an 8.38/10 on them. I was beside myself(not really). Then I came to class and my groupmates said, "did you guys know there was a reflection?" I laughed pretty hard, realized whoever graded my videos liked them, but took points off for not completing the whole assignment! Here's to confidence!

Week Four did nothing to help with keeping my ego in check. Some girl hurt my feelings really bad in my junior year and I told myself that wouldn't happen again. I didn't want to come off weak in my discussion post because the freshman can be so mean sometimes. So I acted like it was this big thing that changed my whole life when, in reality, that's just who I've been. My parents never let me stay down, same as my sister and brother. My support unit is so strong I feel like I can't fail, even when I do!

The Goosechase activity looked SOO fun, but I barely had time to do it. I was working, working out, doing school work, or sleeping for most of last week. However, I got a bunch of 500 pointers that got me, luckily, to a C. I ended up getting less than a 50% on this assignment because, well, I don't know. I did my reflection but the assignment is graded like I didn't. You can check the edit history if you would like, but I promise I didn't cheat. Here it is

The first thing we need to talk about is the template. I barely used it and didn't use a single image from it. Here it is though
I gave my reflection already, so you know the job isn't finished. I'm ready to get myself an A this semester. I think this is the best way to do it. More work than necessary for the better result!!!
Please run through the Mindset Project again. I worked really hard on it!